Q3 Review 2022

3 min readOct 14, 2022


Markets down? DePay up! We continue our series of fantastic quarterly news.

📌 Payment Links

We have silently launched Payment Links 🤫 — our no-code solution for setting up Web3 Payments within minutes.

🙌 DePay Payment Links enable pure Web3 Payments for literally anyone without having to code!

We also already have the first live integrations of Payment Links. See the NFT Butler example which uses DePay Payment Links to sell monthly subscriptions to their app users.

We believe in Payment Links to become the preferred and most used solution for receiving quick Web3 Payments — for Crypto natives with any skill level. After the silent launch, we started gathering and incorporating helpful feedback from testers to pave the way for scaling the product’s visibility.

Types of Payment Links

When configuring a Payment Link, you can choose between three different subtypes according to your needs:

  • Payment Links: Sell a specific product or service.
  • Tip Link: Receive tips as an individual. Ideal for public goods creators!
  • Donation Link: Similar to Tip Links, a Donation link allows you to raise money for a specific cause.

No technical knowledge is required to request and receive Web3 Payments with our new product which makes it probably the most inclusive one that has ever been released by DePay. While our Payment Links still offer the most possible simplicity in terms of look and feel, the product boasts a great set of features beyond DePay’s core functionality (like multichain support).

Payment Link Users are able to

  • set up default confirmation emails being sent to themselves and/or buyers after a successful payment,
  • upload a custom image and/or logo,
  • add a custom description,
  • customize the colors,
  • redirect buyers to any URL after successful payment and

Technically versed users can still integrate Payment Links into post-payment flows, using callbacks. We really gave our best to make Web3 Payments accessible and useful to anyone. Curious? You can experiment with the configurator here.

📌 Ecom User Growth

The early growth numbers on Shopify knocked our socks off despite stagnant crypto markets. We actively improved our lead generation processes and enriched them with onboarding content. Some of the first Shop owners have already left pleasant feedback.

While approaching the milestone of 100 Shopify integrators, we were able to validate with top-notch “web3 native” integrators (like DAppNode and The Oyster) the idea that it was time to pave the way for web3 communities to use web3 technology in the established e-commerce sphere.

We sincerely thank all the first integrators who took the time to personally give us their feedback and help make DePay even more attractive.

📌 Velas ecosystem support

We are happy to announce that, as part of the Velas Grant Program, DePay has committed to support payments on the Velas ecosystem via our Web3 Payment protocol in near future.

📌 Validation Signatures

In the context of our new Payment Links, we have introduced another security mechanism for validating payments. This security enhancement uses cryptographic signatures to help make the validation of transactions even more secure for anyone receiving payments via DePay.

📌 Reminder: Domain Migration

In case you haven’t noticed, we did an infrastructure migration this year.

Please remember that support for DePay.fi integrations will be discontinued by December 31, 2022.

In this article, you can find the implications for different integration types: https://depay.com/blog/domain-migration-1bBt2W3GggKKulVEzOrjRt




Written by DePay

Payments directly into your wallet. DePay pioneers Web3 Payments with the power of DeFi. Accept any token with on-the-fly conversion.

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